18 October, 2016
The most private and quiet marina of Palma’s Bay, Marina Palma Cuarentena, continues its goal of preserving the environment and in this occasion, as part of a complete programme of environmental actions implemented during the past years, has achieved the registration of Carbon Footprint, compensation and CO2 sabsortion projects of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment.
The carbon footprint comes from the amount of greenhouse gases, which derived from its activity, are emitted by the company. Fuel and electricity consumption data in offices, machinery, warehouses or vehicles must be known in order to calculate it. Once the value or amount of greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere is known, an action plan aims to reduce these emissions thus helping in the sturggle against climate change.
This whole process has been carried out by the Quality and Environmental Management Department of Marina Palma Cuarentena which analyzes and evaluates data seeking to continuously improve the environmental sustainability of the facilities
In this sense, the marina also holds other awards related with the environmental care sush as the Blue Flag, EMAS and ISO 14001.
Likewise, Marina Palma Cuarentena performs periodic campaigns of awareness among its customers in order to care for the Mediterranean waters and the natural environment of the Balearic Islands.